An abbreviation is a shortened word or phrase.It is often used in the game.Some of the newer players do not know most of the game's abbreviations.The list below contains most of the abbreviations.
BE-Blood Essence
LS-Losing Self
GC-Gathering Chi
OC-Opening Chi
RC-Revolving Chakra
RL-Raising Light
FD-Five Dragons
SM-Sun and Moon
GB-Golden Blossoms
EC-Elemental Crown
FC-Floral Crown
CS-Crimson Snake
GL-Golden Lotus
HM-Humble Master
LM-Little Master
HB-Hero Band
HL-Hero League
pvp-player vs player
pve-player vs enviroment
HD-Heavenly Demon
BoT-Brotherhood of the Thieves
SF-Sacred Flower
WT-Wu Tang
LoB-League of Beggars
VE-Vital Energy
PK-player kill
GK-good karma
BK-bad karma