9dragons Wiki

These are the various keyboard shortcuts in 9Dragons.
This list is taken from the official 9Dragons forum, and was published by ACCLAIM Staff.

General commands
Open/Close Character Window [ C ]
Open/Close Inventory Window [I ]
Open/Close Kung Fu Window [ S ]
Open/Close Mastery Window [ D ]
Open/Close Quest Window [ Q ]
Open/Close Options Window [ O ]
Open/Close World Map [ N ]
Maximize/Minimize Minimap [ M ]
Zoom In/Out Mini-Map [ Keypad - / + or F3/F4 ]
Move to location [ Left Click ]

Combat commands
Attack Target [ A or Double Left Click ] (Hold Ctrl when chat is up)
Switch Weapons (when two are equiped) [ W ]
Use Quickslots [ 0~9 ]
Change Quickslot Page [ ` or ~ ] (§ on some keyboards)
Switch Combat/Peace Mode [ Tab ]
Pick Up Loot [ Space Bar ]
Use Lightfoot [ Left Alt after using Lightfoot from Quickslot ]
Show Hidden Names [ Hold Left Ctrl ]

Chat commands
Activate Chat Window [ Enter ]
Deactivate Chat Window [ Enter again when clear, or Esc ]
Change Chat Mode [ While chat window is activated, press Tab ]
Send Whisper [ While chat window is activated, type “/name message” ]
Reply to Last Whisper [ R ]

System commands
Open/Close Help [ F1 ]
Interface Help [ F2 ]
Hide/Show User Interface [ F5 ]
Reset User Interface [ F6 ]
Open/Close Messenger [ F7 ]
Pigeongram [F8]
Turn Background Music On/Off [ F9 ]
Quit Game [ F12 ]
Switch to windowed mode and back [Alt-Enter]
Minimize/Restore [Alt-Tab]

Camera commands
Point Camera North [ Delete or Wheel/Middle Mouse Button Double Click]
Zoom In/Out Camera [ Home/End ]
Rotate Camera [ Directional Keys ←↑↓→ or hold Right Mouse Button]

Select Self [ U ]
Meditate [ P ]
Take Screen Shot [ Print Screen ]
Close Recently Opened Window/Cancel Chat Message [ Esc ]
Emoticons (character actions) [ Keypad 0~9 while Num Lock is on]